Part 4: Schedule the Life You Want
Contrary to what our fast-paced world suggests, we don’t need to white-knuckle through life, packing in as much as we can! I think we often do that, because we have underlying feelings that we are not enough, and we have to do more and be more. But the reality is that we each are truly enough in God’s eyes, and we don’t have to prove a thing. Instead, we need to pull back a bit so we can choose with intention how to spend our precious days on earth—almost as if they are our last!
Part 3: Achieving Balance
Achieving balance. It seems like a mystical magical goal, doesn’t it? Actually, it isn’t. But it just starts with you really understanding who you are and “whose” you are… You almost need to get a PhD in knowing yourself… So, it starts with a little bit of reflection…
Part 2: When Loss Leads You to Self-Discovery
Like many, the events of 2020 completely blindsided me! I kept thinking that there was no way this was happening. There was no way that the world was literally shutting down and that we were being told to stay home —indefinitely. The whole thing never sat right with me from the start…
Part 1 - Achieving Life-Balance After Loss: The Gift of 2020
We say in our book that grief comes in all forms. In 2020, we all suffered so many various layers of loss… But looking back, can you also see some blessings that occurred during that time?
Facing Trauma
Trauma can build up over time in our bodies, minds, and spirits. How can we recognize our pain, find forgiveness, and silence our inner critics to live our best lives?